A Prized Treasure
“The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field, which a person finds and hides again, and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.”
Matthew 13:44
Have you ever found out some news that you cannot share with others until later? Maybe it’s a job promotion, a new job, getting married, or news about a pregnancy. These are all tremendous joys! How did you feel when you found out that particular piece of news? Excited? Overjoyed? Happy? Grateful? Blessed? We want so badly to share this news with our family and friends, but we realize we need to wait to see when would be best to do so.
Jesus tells us that the Kingdom of Heaven is like that treasure, that kind of great news. One that we are willing to give up everything to secure it and safeguard it. Not doing so to keep it for ourselves but that we may share it with others. Do we love Our Lord and our neighbors enough to give up everything in order that all might know the Good News and the One who loves them? Today let us examine ourselves and our faith and ask the Lord to give us the strength, courage, and resolve to follow Him and to safeguard our faith like a prized treasure buried in a field so that not only we will have the gift but others as well.