A Personal Call
“When Peter saw him, he said to Jesus, ‘Lord, what about him?’ Jesus said to him, ‘What if I want him to remain until I come? What concern is it of yours? You follow me.’”
John 21:21-22
As a child whenever I saw a friend or classmate have something that I liked or was able to do something that I wanted to do, I always asked, “Why do so and so’s parents let them do this or buy them that?” My mom would say, “Well, that is so and so’s parents, not yours.” Then I would just grumble and demand the heavens to give a reason for this injustice! Does this resonate with you?
After having that beautiful encounter with Jesus on the shore, and having been told how his life would come to glorify God, Peter asked Jesus, “Lord, what about him[John]?” It’s like a parent or teacher or even a friend who tells you something about yourself and then you say, “Yea? Well what about Andy?” Jesus basically told Peter, “What is to happen with John is not your business.” In fact Jesus said, “What concern is it of yours?” I can only imagine Peter debating and stomping his feet inside his mind. Then Jesus tells Peter, “You follow me.”
Brothers and sisters, our relationship with the Lord is unique and personal. Mine is different from yours, but not any better or worse, more or less. It is my relationship with the Lord and it is your relationship with the Lord. Your calling is different than my calling. Comparisons in the spiritual life is self-defeating. God made us each unique and yet in His one image and likeness. It is our uniqueness and personal commitment to the call and the spiritual life that reflect the glory and love of that same God. When we are tempted to ask “Why does his prayer life look so much more fruitful?” or “Why is my life so much harder than his, and he doesn’t even believe in God!” let us remember what Jesus said to Peter.
Jesus says to you today, “Don’t worry about the other person’s calling and prayer life, focus on yours. You follow me.”