A God Who Knows Us
“For as I walked around looking carefully at your shrines, I even discovered an altar inscribed,
‘To an Unknown God.’
What therefore you unknowingly worship, I proclaim to you.”
Acts 17:23
Brothers and sisters, we do not have a god who is distant or who feeds on our praise and worship. We have a God who is personal, relational, and who loves and cares for us. When St. Paul went to Athens he saw that the people had an altar to an “Unknown God,” and he immediately shared with them that this “Unknown God” is the Creator God who created them and ordered all things for them. We do not have an “Unknown God;” we have an all-knowing and loving God.
The Lord knows us. He fashioned us. He wants a relationship with us. Don’t you want to be known? I don’t mean to be famous, but in your heart, deep down, aren’t you hoping to find someone who understands you, knows you, accepts you, and loves you as you are? I know for me, I do. It has always occurred to me that man’s deepest desire and want is to be loved and wanted, by first being known. God calls out to us saying, “I hear you! I know you! I love you!” Maybe we know that in our minds but we do not know it in our hearts. Perhaps deep down there is also some shame or guilt that makes us feel unworthy of being loved by God. But the thing is this — that feeling doesn’t come from God.
God doesn’t need us to be worthy for his love. We do not need to prove ourselves to Him. He simply loves us because we are His. He knows your deepest desires, but He also wishes for you to share them with Him. When you bring these things to Him, He wants to comfort you and sit with you. Your worthiness or worth does not come from anything you do, own, or earn. Your worth comes from God. You were made in His likeness and image. You became alive by His breath. You are known and you are loved.