Witnesses Who Look Up — Homily for Ascension Thursday
Happy Ascension Thursday! Today we look back on the past 6 weeks of Easter, rejoicing in the Resurrection of Our Lord, conquering sin and death, and look forward to Pentecost Sunday in 10 days where the Holy Spirit descends upon the apostles. But right now we look up as we celebrate Jesus being taken up to heaven who is continually at work for us. Although Jesus ascended into heaven, this does not mean He has left us. In fact, He is ever more so present to us.
Imagine an 18 year old leaving home for the first time to go to college or moving out to someplace new, leaving behind family and friends and starting a new adventure. Although there is a physical absence of family and friends from back home at school, yet he knows they are still there. He also knows that if he’s going through a tough time or needs advice or support, he can always reach out to them and they will be there for him. It is the love in the relationship that makes that possible – the presence of the other even in the midst of absence. That is what the disciples of Jesus was coming to learn as Jesus ascended into heaven, that Jesus remains with them even as He returns to His Father.
“You are witnesses” Jesus tells them as He prepares to return to the Father. Witnesses of all that He has done. Witnesses of His suffering and death. Witnesses of His resurrection. Witnesses of His love. Not only this but Jesus tells them that He will send the promise of the Father to them – this we will come to see later as the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. “You are witnesses,” some of the final words Luke tells us Jesus says on earth. To be a witness means to have walked him and known him, and to share this with others. Jesus reminds them of who they are and in doing so, invites them to a deeper relationship with Him, even after He has gone to the Father for He will send the promise of the Father to them. In ascending and sending the spirit, Jesus remains with them. In the seeming absence of Christ in the world, He is present. And how we do know this? We are told the disciples returned to Jerusalem with great joy, praising God.
“You are witnesses.” We are called to be witnesses, brothers and sisters. Witnesses to the love of God in our lives and in our world. Witnesses to the joy of the Resurrection, the joy of everlasting life. Witness to the joy that Jesus has won for us. We are called to remind those around us that Jesus has not left us. He is here! Like the disciples, we are here today, returning to the place of faith, the place of worship, praising God.
Jesus has not left us, He’s right there in the tabernacle and in our hearts. In fact, in a few moments He will be made very present to us again on the altar. This Jesus who has ascended to heaven is present to us here and will never part from us. So, brothers and sisters, let us always rejoice in the presence of God in our lives and in doing so, bearing witness to Him who has called us.