Back to All Events Wednesday of Holy Week - Suffering Servant and Judas' Plotting Wednesday, March 31, 2021 6:00 PM 6:30 PM Google Calendar ICS Today we hear the third “Suffering Servant” song and recount the unfortunate scene where Judas speaks to the chief priests and makes a deal with them, agreeing to hand over Our Lord.Click here to join in at 6:00pm. If you missed any of the other evenings, you may access them here.
Wednesday of Holy Week - Suffering Servant and Judas' Plotting Wednesday, March 31, 2021 6:00 PM 6:30 PM Google Calendar ICS Today we hear the third “Suffering Servant” song and recount the unfortunate scene where Judas speaks to the chief priests and makes a deal with them, agreeing to hand over Our Lord.Click here to join in at 6:00pm. If you missed any of the other evenings, you may access them here.