Being in the Here an Now — Reflection for the Seventh Week of Easter

We can sometimes be carried away in our excitement or anticipation of some future event that we forget that we still have the present moment! After Jesus ascended into heaven, the Apostles went back to the upper room in Jerusalem where they encountered the Risen Christ, and stayed there with Mary and spent their time praying. This praying was not merely an uttering of words once taught, but a relationship — a living relationship with the Living God. Every moment of our lives can be prayer. Every moment — even now in the present moment — God calls out to us and wishes to give to us grace upon grace. Will we invite God into our hearts today, in the here and now?

Philip Cheung

Current high school campus minister. A sinner and prodigal son who is trying to spread the message of the Father’s unconditional love to all peoples.

“Faith & Scriptures” Series — Being Found and the Gift of Loving


“Faith & Scriptures” Series — Being Led and the Gift of Being